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CNG PNG Price: Big News! Government has given order, now America-Russia formula will be implemented in India regarding CNG-PNG

CNG PNG Price: Big News! Government has given order, now America-Russia formula will be implemented in India regarding CNG-PNG

CNG PNG Price: Due to the change in the prices of gas, there is a lot of impact on the pockets of the people. At the same time, the government has now come up with a new formula to fix the prices of CNG and PNG.

Due to this, their prices will change every month. In such a situation, if you do not know about this formula, then we are telling you about it…

PNG Price: Cylinder is used for cooking in homes. At the same time, gas pipeline is also being used nowadays. However, due to the change in the prices of this gas, there is a lot of impact on the pockets of the people.

At the same time, the government has now come up with a new formula to fix the prices of CNG and PNG. Due to this, their prices will change every month. In such a situation, if you do not know about this formula, then we are telling you about it…

Gas prices

Now the prices of PNG and CNG in India will be fixed like the formula being used in America and Russia. This formula was recommended by the Kirit Parikh Committee, which has been accepted by the cabinet.

In these recommendations, it was said that gas prices have been linked to the India crude basket under the Administered Pricing Mechanism (APM). Due to this, there will be a change in the prices of gas every month and they will change according to the prices of crude.

It was recommended by the CNG committee that this will be applicable for the next 2 years and after that it will be increased by 50 percent and now the prices will not increase very fast. At the same time, this will give a lot of relief to the customers and there will be no big change in the prices of CNG-PNG.


Whereas recently there has been a change in the prices of CNG and PNG and its prices have come down. The customers have got the direct benefit of this. In such a situation, people will get a chance to buy gas according to their budget with this formula and there will not be much impact on the pocket.

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