On Monday, two unidentified miscreants bombed a famous hotel in Dhanbad and escaped. The police, which reached the spot after receiving information about the incident, is busy searching for both the miscreants. Police suspect that miscreants have bombed the hotel to demand extortion. At present the police team is searching for both the criminals on the basis of CCTV.
Khalsa Hotel in Govindpur police station area of the district was bombed by unknown miscreants. On Monday morning, unknown miscreants riding a bike bombed the main gate of the hotel and fled away.
It is being told that two miscreants riding a bike carried out the blast with the aim of scaring the hotel owner and demanding extortion. DSP Amar Kumar Pandey and Police Inspector Jitendra Kumar, who arrived on information, took stock of the incident site. At present the police is investigating the matter. The team is searching for the criminals through CCTV.
Search for criminals through CCTV
According to the police, the hotel belongs to famous businessman and social worker Gurcharan Singh alias Shera Singh. In the CCTV installed outside the hotel, two criminals riding a bike were seen stopping near the hotel and throwing bombs. The police team is trying to trace the criminals through CCTV.
According to the hotel owner, there had never been any incident of criminals demanding extortion or any other such incident in the hotel before. However, recently a case of demanding extortion money from coal businessman Bunty Singh Choudhary, resident of Bastipur, had come to light.
Police hands empty
At the same time, there was an incident of firing for extortion by Prince Khan at the textile and jewelers shop of famous Bihari Lal Chaudhary of Govindpur. Cases were registered in both these cases but till now the police are empty handed in both these cases. No one was caught by the police.
It is noteworthy that Gurcharan Singh ‘Shera’ has been running this hotel since 1984. Earlier this hotel belonged to Kaka Singh, who after the Sikh riots sold the hotel to Gurcharan Singh and moved to Punjab.
This hotel is famous for veg and non-veg cuisine in GT Road. This hotel is quite famous for taking Delhi to Kolkata. Gurcharan Singh alias Sher Singh runs this hotel along with his two sons.